Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Pichu for my son, and others

I think I just might have gone crazy now... :)  Well, the other day I was cruising the bento blogs, and spotted this.  She does some beautiful bentos, and I love her site!  Well, Pichu just spoke to me!!!  I had to try him out.  I didn't realize I would try him out right away... but yep, I finally gave it a shot.  I realize now that either I have to start buying cheese slices (yuk), or find a method to slice cheese blocks nicely.  I used to have a nice slicer, but it would make strips that were too small (I think), so I have to be on the lookout now for something else... hmm...

Blue bento
Here's Pichu himself.  Made from cheese as a base, the black is nori, the white eyes is a different cheese, and the red on the cheeks is bits of strawberry.  The rest is my regular bento kind of thing.  Grapes, strawberries, wrap, tomatoes, and a couple of gummy bears in each box, just for fun!  (I found out later that my son doesn't want another one like this, he likes it, but it causes too much of a rukus in the class, and everyone wants to see his lunch - he's embarassed.  Oh well..  poor kid, hard to be 8 - especially when nobody else in the class has a bento)

 These two bentos are all about Pink!  I've used my usual stash (same as blue), but the older girl got a little girl made of cheese, strawberries and nori (eyes).  The youngest girlie got the same ingredients, plus pepperettes, black olives, and cheese flowers.  She loved it!  They both did!

My last bento is mine.  I borrowed hubby's black box, and made myself a salad with lettus, cheese x2, olives and red peppers.  I have included dip for the chicken nuggets, a granola bite, and some kiwi.  Yummy!  I also had a container with a little balsamic vinegar and oil - as a dressing!  *yum*

That's it for me tonight.  I do have to include Tuesday's lunch somewhere, but I'll get to it later (wasn't that exciting).

Edit:  Added to What's for Lunch Wednesday

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